
At The Rabbit Hole Theater, we believe in the power of pretend play. Does your child dream about faraway lands with magical creatures? Do they enjoy dreaming up their own magical adventures? 

In this kit, we invite you to experience an enchanted ball like you never have before as you turn into a unicorn and get ready to party! 

Start your adventure kit by customizing your costume, coloring your props, and decorating character cast mates! This includes: 

  • Invitation to the ball
  • Hooves
  • Sparkly tutu with tail
  • Unicorn horn headband
  • Necklace
  • Rainbow hair clip 
  • Unicorn kitty with wings
  • Grasshopper kit
  • Bird hair salon mobile
  • Seamstress mouse

Next, it’s time to start setting up for your very own at-home show! You will find:

  • A backdrop of the Unicorn Medow
  • “Welcome to the Show” sign 
  • Tickets to pass out 

Finally, take center stage and play along to our audio show. The show prompts action, dialogue, singing, and dancing, making it a full performance.

This at-home experience is intended to excite your child’s imagination. By decorating their own props and costume, they will have complete control over their fun, adventurous story. It provides structure to stir creative activities and expression and a fun show to entertain oneself, family, friends, and stuffies!